Chat Bots

Chat bots are automated messaging flows that communicate with customers on behalf of the business. In PCG MS, the business can use the bot factory to create these bots and enable them. Currently, bots can only send text and buttons messages, however, more messaging types will be available soon.

A bot replies to messages using a predefined sequence created by the business. In client-bot interactions, quick reply buttons (buttons messages) guide the client to send messages the bot can respond to. If the client sends a message outside of this sequence, the bot will not generate a response. e.g. When a bot sends a buttons message, if the client did not choose one of the quick replies of that buttons message and decided to send a custom message, then the bot will not know what and how to respond.

Benefits of Bots:

For medium and large businesses, dedicating human resources to handle bulk customer responses is inefficient. With the PCG MS Bot Factory, businesses can automate repetitive messaging tasks, ensuring 24/7 instant responses to meet customer needs without manual effort.